Body Harmony Day Spa

90 Oak Leaf Ln
Broken Bow, OK 74728

Body Harmony Day Spa

90 Oak Leaf Ln
Broken Bow, OK 74728

Find Nearby
Google directions will bring you to the entrance of the turn-off from Hwy 259.

Do not rely on your GPS; it will not be accurate. Instead, watch for these landmarks on the west side: Fish Tail Winery, General Store, Mini Golf & Racetrack for Kids, Red Caboose (in parking lot).

Go west across the parking lot. On your right side of this parking lot is a liquor store and Beavers Bend Adventures Cabin Rentals. Fish Tails Wine Tasting is nearby as well.

Continuing west, you will come to the RV park, but do not enter the RV park. Stop and look to your left (there is a fence and small cabins along the inside fence line). This is where you will veer to the left onto a one-car dirt road.

Follow the bright-colored Body Harmony signs. You will see the lattice fence on the left. Turn left into the Harmony Land entrance parking lot. Please park under the shade tree.

Arrive early at the parking lot to assure that you will be coming into Body Harmony House 15 minutes early to fill out your intake form for your session(s).
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