Muskogee's Centennial Trail
Muskogee's Centennial Trail
Located in the southwest part of Muskogee, Centennial Trail has two sections. The Love-Hatbox Sports Complex loop is a 5K/3.1 mile asphalt athletic trail that loops around the complex perimeter allowing you to experience a variety of microhabitats from forest and prairie to wetland and rock-outcrops. Several organized runs are held there each year. Phase Two, also known as Centennial Trail South, connects the Love-Hatbox Sports Complex to downtown Muskogee at the Depot Green Trailhead. This 2-mile section traverses over both prairie and hardwood forest. Both sections are wonderful places to watch wildlife. The Centennial Trail South also connects to the Painted Rock Trail, which will lead guests on a natural dirt path through the woods to the Coody Creek Bark Park.