Oklahoma Ghosts

Civic Center Music Hall
201 N Walker Ave
Oklahoma City, OK 73102

Oklahoma Ghosts

Civic Center Music Hall
201 N Walker Ave
Oklahoma City, OK 73102

Visit some of Oklahoma City's most notorious haunts with an expert guide on the "Oklahoma Ghosts" tour. This walking tour will take you on a mile-long, spooky journey through some of the most haunted and historic locations in the state such as the Civic Center Music Hall and Saint Joseph's Old Cathedral. While you won't enter the buildings during the tour, guides will weave captivating stories of restless spirits that may you leave intrigued and even a little spooked. The tours operate year-round, so you can explore the unknown whenever the mood strikes. Whether you're a history buff, thrill-seeker, or just curious about the paranormal, this tour is sure to deliver. 



Adults: $29
Children: $19
Children under 6: Free

While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the pricing listed above, prices are subject to change without notice.



Booked tours are held nightly at 8pm.
Guests are asked to arrive at 7:45pm.
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