Clinton Route 66 Festival
Clinton Route 66 Festival
Get your kicks on Route 66 with festivities that include a car and bike show, poker run, free concert, vendors, Wiener National dog races, free hot dogs and more. The annual Clinton Route 66 Festival invites visitors to compete or simply browse through the contestants in the Route 66 Car, Truck and Bike Show. Car categories include original and modified vehicles from 1900 to present. Antique motorcycles, custom bikes, vintage trucks and more will all be on display.
Come to the Clinton Route 66 Festival Friday night for a free concert, downtown cruise and burn-out contest in the heart of downtown. Free Bar-S hot dogs and soda will also be served. Saturday's festivities begin with the car show, a Route 66 battle of the bands and the Backyard BBQ Cook-Off at McLain Rogers Park.