We've gathered all the latest news and updates about Oklahoma state parks right here as a handy referencefor you. From extreme water levels to updates on new facilities in our parks, here's all the latestbuzz.
Due to a water leak, the lodge will be closed until further notice. The park office inside the lodge will remain open.
The two restrooms in Walking Hills will be closed 12/1/24 through 2/28/25
Turkey Roost Group Camp and the TeePees will be closed from 11/1/24 to 4/1/25
Community building in the group camp will remain open throughout winter with the cabins and bathhouse closed and winterized.
Riverside campground water and bathrooms will be shut down from 11/1/24 through 4/1/25 but the campground will remain open for boaters and primitive camping
Lakeside and Grandview campgrounds will be closed 11/1/24 through 4/1/25
Blue Jay Knob, Shady Grove, Hickory Flats, Eagles Point, Gooseneck Bend North and South and Flying Squirrel campgrounds will be closed from 11/30/24 through 3/1/25
Cabins 25 - 40 wil be closed from 11/30/24 through 3/1/25
Bathrooms in Bluff View, Crappie Point and Upper Fisherman's Point will be closed from 11/30/24 through 3/1/25
Seminole, Chickasaw, Choctaw and Cherokee Area A campgrounds will be closed from 11/30/24 through 3/1/25
Gobbler Ridge, Cypress Row, Playside and Lakeview Campgrounds will be closed from 11/30/24 through 3/1/25
Wister Ridge and Ward's Landing Campgrounds will be closed from 12/1/24 through 2/28/25
Quarry Island Campground will be closed from 11//1/24 through 1/1/25
Boat ramp bathroom will be closed from 11/1/24 through 3/30/24
The park will be shut down for the winter from 11/1/24 through 4/1/25.
Deer Run, Black Jack, Tent Hill and Cove Road campgrounds are closed through 5/1/25
Caddo Hill bathroom, one bathroom in Sunset Cove and one bathroom in Catfish Cove will be closed through 5/1/25
All of Red Carpet camping area and shelters 4 and 5 will be closed from 11/1/24 through 3/1/25
Echo Ridge, Lake View Circle and Hitchin Post Campgrounds will be closed from 12/1/24 through 2/28/25
Cedar Cove, Tipps Point, Martins Landing, Rock Tower, Dukes Forest Campgrounds and Group Camp 1 will be closed 12/1/24 through 2/28/25
Sunset Beach will be closed from 11/1/24 until warm weather and water temperatures permit
Post Oak and Rose Rock RV Campground will be closed from 11/1/24 through 3/15/2025
Clear Bay Point, Critter Alley, Little Sandy, North Sentinel and Rose Rock Tent campgrounds will be closed from 11/1/24 through 3/15/25
All of Canyon Campground and Mesa Campground site 10, will be closed 11/1/24 through 3/31/25
Spring Hill Campground, Elware Pavilion and Group Camp 1 and 2 will be closed from 11/1/24 through 4/1/25
Water to individual RV Sites and outer loop restroom closed, but RV sites will remain open. 11/1/24 through 4/1/25
Group camp will be closed from 12/1/24 through 4/1/25
During high water release for power generation at the Broken Bow Dam, the US Army Corps of Engineers blasts a loud horn to alert campers and anyone on the water that levels may be rising quickly.
Due to significant structural damage from flooding, the swinging bridge remains closed for long term reconstruction planning.